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Version: 2.x


The CalendarBody component is a core part of the React Native Calendar Kit. It renders the main calendar grid, including time slots, events, and various interactive elements.


The CalendarBody component accepts the following props:

Prop NameTypeDefaultDescription
hourFormatstring'HH:mm'Format for displaying hours.
renderHourfunction-Custom renderer for hour labels.
showNowIndicatorbooleantrueWhether to show the current time indicator.
renderCustomOutOfRangefunction-Custom renderer for out-of-range areas.
renderCustomUnavailableHourfunction-Custom renderer for unavailable hours.
renderEventfunction-Custom renderer for events.
renderDraggableEventfunction-Custom renderer for draggable events.
renderDraggingEventfunction-Custom renderer for events being dragged.
renderDraggingHourfunction-Custom renderer for hour indicator while dragging.
NowIndicatorComponentcomponent-Custom component for the current time indicator.