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Version: 2.x

Working with Events

React Native Calendar Kit provides powerful features for handling events in your calendar. This guide will walk you through how to add, customize, and interact with events.

Adding Events

To add events to your calendar, use the events prop. This prop accepts an array of event objects:

id: '1',
title: 'Meeting with Team',
start: { dateTime: '2024-03-15T10:00:00Z' },
end: { dateTime: '2024-03-15T11:00:00Z' },
color: '#4285F4',
// ... more events
// ... other props
<CalendarHeader />
<CalendarBody />

Each event object should have the following properties:

  • id (string): A unique identifier for the event.
  • title (string): The title of the event.
  • start (object): The start time of the event.
    • date (string): YYYY-MM-DD
    • dateTime (string): ISO 8601 formatted date-time string.
    • timeZone (string): IANA time zone string.
  • end (object): The end time of the event.
    • date (string): YYYY-MM-DD
    • dateTime (string): ISO 8601 formatted date-time string.
    • timeZone (string): IANA time zone string.
  • color (string, optional): The color of the event (CSS color string).

Customizing Event Rendering

You can customize how events are rendered using the renderEvent prop:

const renderEvent = useCallback(
(event: PackedEvent) => (
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
padding: 4,
<Ionicons name="calendar" size={10} color="white" />
<Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 10 }}>{event.title}</Text>

<CalendarBody renderEvent={renderEvent} />

The renderEvent function receives the event object and an object containing width and height shared values. These can be used with Reanimated to create dynamic layouts.

Handling Event Interactions

React Native Calendar Kit provides several props for handling event interactions:


Triggered when an event is pressed:

onPressEvent={(event) => {
console.log('Event pressed:', event);
// ... other props
{/* ... */}


Triggered when an event is long-pressed:

onLongPressEvent={(event) => {
console.log('Event long-pressed:', event);
// ... other props

All-Day Events

There are two ways to create all-day events:

  1. Timezone-dependent all-day events: Set the start and end times to cover the entire day:
id: '2',
title: 'Conference',
start: { dateTime: '2024-03-17T00:00:00', timeZone: 'America/New_York' },
end: { dateTime: '2024-03-18T00:00:00', timeZone: 'America/New_York' },
color: '#34A853',
  1. Timezone-independent all-day events: Omit the dateTime and timeZone properties, and instead use date for both start and end:
id: '3',
title: 'Company Holiday',
start: { date: '2024-03-17' },
end: { date: '2024-03-17' },
color: '#FBBC05',

For multi-day events, you can specify different start and end dates:

id: '4',
title: 'Annual Leave',
start: { date: '2024-03-18' },
end: { date: '2024-03-22' },
color: '#EA4335',

When you use the date property without dateTime and timeZone, these events will be treated as all-day events that are not dependent on any specific timezone. This is particularly useful for events like holidays or multi-day events that span entire days regardless of the user's local time.

Recurring Events

React Native Calendar Kit supports recurring events using the RRule standard. Add a recurrenceRule property to your event object:

Regular Recurring Events

id: '3',
title: 'Weekly Team Sync',
start: { dateTime: '2024-03-18T15:00:00Z' },
end: { dateTime: '2024-03-18T16:00:00Z' },
color: '#FBBC05',

This creates a weekly recurring event every Monday.

More Examples of Recurring Events

  1. Daily event:
id: '4',
title: 'Daily Standup',
start: { dateTime: '2024-03-18T09:00:00Z' },
end: { dateTime: '2024-03-18T09:15:00Z' },
color: '#4285F4',
recurrenceRule: 'RRULE:FREQ=DAILY'
  1. Monthly event on the first Monday:
id: '5',
title: 'Monthly Review',
start: { dateTime: '2024-04-01T14:00:00Z' },
end: { dateTime: '2024-04-01T15:00:00Z' },
color: '#34A853',
  1. Yearly event:
id: '6',
title: 'Annual Company Picnic',
start: { dateTime: '2024-07-15T11:00:00Z' },
end: { dateTime: '2024-07-15T16:00:00Z' },
color: '#EA4335',
recurrenceRule: 'RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY'

Recurring All-Day Events

You can also create recurring all-day events. Here are some examples:

  1. Weekly all-day event (every Friday):
id: '7',
title: 'Weekly Team Building Day',
start: { date: '2024-03-22' },
end: { date: '2024-03-22' },
color: '#FBBC05',
  1. Monthly all-day event (first day of every month):
id: '8',
title: 'Monthly Planning Day',
start: { date: '2024-04-01' },
end: { date: '2024-04-01' },
color: '#34A853',
  1. Yearly all-day event (every December 25th):
id: '9',
title: 'Company Holiday',
start: { date: '2024-12-25' },
end: { date: '2024-12-25' },
color: '#EA4335',

These examples demonstrate how to create various types of recurring events, including regular timed events and all-day events. The recurrenceRule follows the iCalendar RFC 5545 standard, allowing for complex recurrence patterns.

Remember, when using recurring all-day events, use the date property in the start and end objects instead of dateTime and timeZone. This ensures that the events are treated as timezone-independent all-day events.

Excluding Dates from Recurring Events

When working with recurring events, you might want to exclude specific dates from the recurrence pattern. React Native Calendar Kit provides the excludeDates property for this purpose.

Using excludeDates

The excludeDates property allows you to specify dates that should be skipped in a recurring event series. This is useful for handling exceptions to regular patterns, such as holidays or canceled meetings.

For Regular Recurring Events

For regular recurring events (with dateTime and timeZone), excludeDates should be an array of ISO 8601 formatted date-time strings:

id: '10',
title: 'Weekly Team Meeting',
start: { dateTime: '2024-03-18T10:00:00Z' },
end: { dateTime: '2024-03-18T11:00:00Z' },
color: '#4285F4',
excludeDates: ['2024-03-25T10:00:00Z', '2024-04-01T10:00:00Z', '2024-05-27T10:00:00Z']

In this example:

  • The event is set to recur every Monday.
  • The excludeDates array specifies three dates with times in UTC.
  • The event will not appear on these excluded dates and times.

For Timezone-independent All-Day Events

For all-day events (using date instead of dateTime), excludeDates should be an array of 'YYYY-MM-DD' formatted strings:

id: '11',
title: 'Monthly Team Building Day',
start: { date: '2024-03-01' },
end: { date: '2024-03-01' },
color: '#34A853',
excludeDates: ['2024-07-05', '2024-08-02', '2024-12-06']

In this example:

  • The event is set to recur on the first Friday of every month.
  • The excludeDates array specifies three dates without times.
  • The event will not appear on these excluded dates.

Format for excludeDates

  • For regular events: ISO 8601 formatted date-time strings (e.g., '2024-03-25T10:00:00Z')
  • For all-day events: 'YYYY-MM-DD' formatted strings (e.g., '2024-03-25')